Waiting list is open

My waiting list is open. Its currently long. I’m currently breeding the following varieties. Silver Fawn, Hooded and Chestnuts and Ash. Sometimes I have Roan, Black and Agouti available in Rex and dumbo.

Wait list open

Wait list open and is 6 months long.

Wait list

Wait list is open.


Is currently open but will close soon.

Wait list open

Wait list is open and currently 7 months long. if you interested in going on it please return a fully filled in application.

Wait list

Wait list closed and will reopen in January.

Wait list

Wait list is currently 8 months long.

New Variety

New variety Chestnuts previously worked on by other breeders. My foundations are from Rivendell. Chestnuts currently come in 3 shades light medium and dark. Although my focus is getting a standard for a Medium chestnut colour. There will likely be a mix of different varieties as I work on this new variety.
Chestnut is a orange like colour with Black eyes. Others have also called it dirty orange.

Wait list open

Wait list is open and about 6 months long. Please return a application form to go on it.

Wait list

Wait list is open. Please sent in a application form if you are interested in going on it.