Wait list open

Wait list is open and about 6 months long. Please return a application form to go on it.

Wait list

Wait list is open. Please sent in a application form if you are interested in going on it.

Waitlist closed

Please note wait list is fully closed. No rats available. Wait list is currently 6 months long.
I will not be replying to people asking for rats.

Wait list open for Does and Bucks

Please note minium wait is 3 months but Does are likely 5 months at the moment.

Wait list closed for does

Waitlist is closed for does any applications sent wanting does will not be answered and will need to be resent once list is reopen for them. List still open for bucks.

Keep eye on facebook page and the site for when it reopens.


All kittens reserved.

Wait List

Although the wait list is open at the moment it quite long and the current litters will be going to people already on it. Feel free to apply but I can not give you a date I will have available kittens for you. The next litters are planned for homing in August.

New Litters

Born 10th April  Gallifrey Ginny (Silver Fawn) likely Silver Fawn small chance of Dumbo and Rex. Valiance Carlotta (Agouti Capped) this line new so expecting some weirdly marked kittens in Black and Agouti.

Please note none will be homed until after lock down.

Kittens can be reserved though for pick up after. If you are interested in joining the wait list group please return the application form that can be found on this page https://www.gallifreyrattery.com/application-form/


Gallifrey Brea gave birth on 7th April. Likely will be a mix of Black Self and Black Roan some dumbo. If you interested in kittens please send in a application form. Please be aware they will not be homed till lock down is finished.


No kittens will be leaving till at least 1st June this will be evaluated on 1st May. Please note any kitten pick ups may have to be done via none contact.