Wait list is open
The reason for the wait list is that I often don’t have litters all the time. I normally breed 2 or 3 litters at a time and sometimes I have breaks from breeding over summer and Christmas.
From mating it is about 23 days for litter to be born then a further 7 weeks minimum till kittens can go to new home so you looking at nearly 3 months.
I run the wait list via a facebook group.
The wait list group is not designed as a long term wait or advice group. I will be the only person able to post in it.
Please note this is a hobby not a business and I often can not answer emails straight away. If you do not hear from me after a week please email again.
Email: Contact@gallifreyrattery.com
If your new to rat keeping or it has been a long time since you have owned rats please read New to rat keeping before filling in the form.
Please be aware of the following before asking to be put on the waiting list.
1. Pet home only.
2. Must be taken as a minimum of a pair no single kittens. (even if you have another rat)
3. Information on any illness that happens though out the life of the rats.
4. Updates needed every 3 months including information on temperament.
5. I don’t mind if your on other breeders wait lists. Although you must make me aware as soon as possible if you have rats from another breeder and no longer want to be on the list.
6. Must reply promptly to emails sent including replying to say you are no longer interested.
7. New rat owners are welcome
8. You will be accepted to sign an contract before taking kittens from me.
9. Once you are offered kittens a deposit must be paid to reserve them of £15 per kitten.
10. Adoption costs are £60 per pair or £90 for a trio
What you get when you get kittens from Gallifrey Stud.
- Friendly healthy tame rats
- 200 g bag on current dry food (can buy more if wanted)
- Trial bag of Back to Nature litter
- Family Tree
Other questions will be asked please don’t take it personally I just want to make sure my rats go to the best home possible.
Other things to remember when being put on the waiting list. I can’t promise when kittens will be available for you as this depends on the size of the litter and the number of people already on the wait list.
Also read What happens once the litter is born.
Please note I don’t breed hairless. The kittens available for homing are likely to be Silver Fawn in Top ear and Dumbo in Smooth and Rex. The only dumbos I breed are Silver Fawn, Black Roans and Black Self.